Love Tour: Year in Review

In 2019, our Color Runners ran 505,989 miles. That's what it takes to run around the world 20 times. Or to run to the moon and back (almost exactly!)
Take a look at what else we accomplished together this year:
We donated $117,688 to local and national charities.
We enlisted the help of 7,675 volunteers.
We ran in 23 different countries including our first-time countries: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Latvia.
We saved over 22,000 plastic water bottles by providing reusable bottles and refill stations.
We threw 145,500 pounds of color.
Since 2012, we’ve had a total of 8.4 million Color Runners in 50 countries join us in over 1,340 events!
This year we celebrated what we love about ourselves, each other, and the planet we all share. At The Happiest 5K on the Planet, we are dedicated to making the world a happier, healthier place. Thanks for making 2019 our best year yet!
Follow along for an inside first look at our 2020 Tour! IG: @thecolorrun